Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Who am I??

Who are you?? That's an interesting question. I'm a lot of things to a lot of people. Let's see.... First and foremost... I am mother to Brooke Michelle and Bryson Kole. I'm Mike and Karen's daughter. I'm Rhonda's step daughter. I'm Anthony's, Keeghan's and Khaiden's sister. I'm a niece to Patricia, Laura, Alfonso, Stacy, Frank, Terri, and Trey. I'm cousin to Kristin, Lane, Natalie, Jakob, Zachary, Kelly and others I'm sure. I am Lesli's best friend. I am Jessie's girlfriend. I'm friend to many. And so much more. But a few months ago I became someone else. Something else... I am now a survivor. I've never been listed by name as a survivor on an obituary. Until now. Now I am a survivor, not just to my brother's death. To my brother's suicide. It's so much harder to deal with. It's so much harder to understand. There are so many questions left unanswered. So many questions left unasked.

Being a SOS wasn't something I planned. Wasn't something I wanted. Wasn't anything I'd ever imagined being. Yes, Tony was suicidal more than once, but they say when people talk about it they won't do it because they want help. This was one of those times, Tony talked about it with friends. Unfortunately they didn't believe him. Matt did, and Matt called me, I didn't believe him. =( Even if I did, there was nothing I could do for Tony in Maryland and while in Texas.

The upside to this, as weird as that sounds.... The upside is it gives me the chance to help people. It gives me the chance to make a difference. It has made me stronger... while bringing me to my weakest. There was a point I honestly thought I'd cry every day for the rest of my life. Don't get me wrong, most days I still cry. But it's occasionally during the day, mostly at night. This has been a learning experience. It's been painful, unimaginable, and just plain unbearable at times. But that's the thing... I have survived. And I will continue to survive. For my children, for my mother, for my friends. I have to, there isn't another option.

Every day gets a little easier, and some days are like it's back to square one. I know that there's so much to look forward to and that's what kind of breaks my heart the most. Tony isn't going to see his niece and nephew grow up. He loved them so much and now he's not going to get to experience that first hand. I know he's watching from above but it's not the same. He's not going to get to enjoy Leo growing up. My brother has a son. A son. I'm an aunt. That's still hard so wrap my mind around but it's true. That gorgeous little mini Anthony is my nephew. He's a little piece of Tony we have here with us. It's gonna be a long and bumpy road but it's gonna be so worth it.

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