Sunday, January 22, 2012

There's no way you can know

I'm pretty sure the worst thing someone has said to me since Tony died is "I know how you must be feeling." I'm sorry but shut the hell up and get the eff away from me! There is no chance in hell you know what or how I'm feeling. Let me give you an example. Just imagine your little brother, or little sister. Maybe think of your best friend or boyfriend. Possibly your husband or wife. Hell even a distant cousin or someone you're related to through marriage. OK now imagine that person thinking that your life would be better without them in it. That you can sleep easier at night because you won't be worrying about them. That you will be happier with them gone. I know it's hard to believe or imagine... but just stay with me....

That person that you're thinking of.... imagine that they don't wanna go away by moving. They aren't gonna break up with you. Stop talking to you. Divorce you. Run away. Block you on Facebook. Delete your number from their contact list. Imagine that person does the unimaginable and takes his or her life in order to make yours better. So tell me, how do you feel? I can promise you with 100% certainty it's not even a fraction of the pain my family has gone through with my brother's death.
Anthony was an amazing person. He had a complex mind, was amazingly handsome, and had a sense of humor few of us will even get to experience. That's the good in him. But because of his depression or whatever it was that caused him to be sick, he wasn't easy to live with. We fought on a daily basis and it drove our mom crazy. We had sibling rivalry that would make super nanny cringe. Tony didn't have a job until he was 20. He liked to lay around and do nothing. Sometimes he did things that were unlawful. Shoplifting, smoked pot and whatever. But that doesn't matter. He was my brother, I loved him unconditionally. He was a beautiful baby boy. He was my lifeline for as long as I can remember. I wanted only the best for him. No girl was ever going to be good enough for him in my eyes. No other kid could mess with him the way I did. Anthony was an amazing uncle. My daughter Brooke adored him. He hung the moon in her eyes. She wanted to constantly play peek a boo. She wanted to just sit with him on his bed and pet Tiger while he played on the computer. It didn't matter what they were doin, if we were in El Paso she wanted to be by her Uncle Tony.

Anthony had an eye for beauty that most people can only hope for. His photography was breathtaking. He loved to sketch and doodle and be random. He was into the weirdest music (in my opinion), and his favorite color had AWAYS ALWAYS been green. As he grew it changed from dark green to lime green. But for as long as I can remember he loved green.

I guess my point is, no Tony wasn't easy to live with. He made us mad. Had us worried. Drove us crazy. Pushed our buttons. Most important my point is.... he was a light in our lives. He was someone we loved and will love forever. He was an incredible friend to most anyone he met. He could melt hearts with his smile and probably charm the pants right off any girl he wanted. My brother was a remarkable person. Inside and out. I guess what I'm trying to say... is although he wasn't easy to live with. It's going to be damn near impossible to live without him. Every single day and all day long he's on my mind like never before. Maybe that's the problem, now that he's gone we are pouring out our emotions toward him. While I don't want that to stop, I think we need to also focus on the living. We need to love and hug and kiss and praise the ones we have with us here. We need to let the ones we love know that we love them. We need to make sure that no one we know will ever feel like our lives would be better without them. Because I promise regardless of how tough it is to "deal" with them, it's so much worse without them at all.

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