Monday, September 26, 2011

Young Love no matter what age...

New love is so much fun no matter what age you are. A good friend of mine, who is quite a bit older than I am who is in a new relationship. They haven't been together long but she is head over heels in love with him, and he is head over heels in love with her!! It is so amazing to watch their relationship grow, and I couldn't be happier for her. I smile just as big as she does every time she gets flowers from him. I feel my heart get warm from her stories of their dates/conversations. There's not many people I know who deserve this happiness more than her. It's just an all around awesome thing!

     Then there's my little brother, he has his first girlfriend. Her name is Alyson and so adorable. I haven't met her, only seen her picture on Facebook. She calls him like 15 times a day and it cracks me up!! I remember my first boyfriend and all the feelings that came with it. Josh wasn't my first love but I'll always remember him and he's just a good memory. I love that Keeghan has finally opened up and gotten over his shyness. I honestly never thought he'd have a girlfriend this young. I hope that when this relationship ends, as all/most do. I hope that I can be there for him, I hope he lets me be his rock and help him though his first heart break.

     Then there's me. I actually am in a relationship now. He's a really good guy, and turns out we went to OHS together. Now don't take me wrong, I'm not saying what we have is love already. It's just a lot of fun. He's so sweet to me. He's eager to meet the kids. Most of all he makes me smile. I get a text every morning, texts through out the day. Then in the evening if we can we hang out, if not we just talk/text. I'm trying to handle this relationship better than I have handled my past ones, because obviously those didn't work LOL! So far I'm very pleased with the way its going. I'm trying to not take it too fast. But I'm not draggin my feet either. I mean after all, I'm going to be 25 in a month an a half and I'm not getting any younger. Then there's the kid issue. Right now I'm 99.999999% sure I don't want another one. And that's why I have an IUD... for 10 years!! But if I end up with someone who doesn't have kids of their own then I want the option to be open. I don't wanna be so old that the choice to have another one isn't even there. Now Mom, Rhonda, April, Daddy and any other "elder" in my life... if you read this... I DON'T WANT ANOTHER BABY EVER!! But I may not feel that way if I meet the right person and that's what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about ending up as a single mom to 3 little monsters, no thanks!!!

It's funny I didn't want a relationship, I wasn't looking for one, I wasn't lonely or sick of being single. But now that I'm with Jessie, I'm super happy that I am. And I'm excited to see where this goes. The awesome thing is I know that it's in God's hands. With that knowledge if it works out, it's what His plan is. If not, then He has other plans for me and that's ok. Because even though being a single mom isn't so easy, seems like being a single mom (with a boyfriend) is kinda fun! :)

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