Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Worst Accronym Ever! (FML)

FML- F*** My life. THE WORST ACRONYM I HAVE EVER HEARD!!!! Right now someone some where is planning their mom's funeral. Some one some where has just buried their infant/child. Someone some where a husband is having to go home to their family and explain why they were laid off today. There's someone in the world who has no roof over their head... No food in their belly. But yet, so many people are Facebook saying FML. Over the tiniest little things. Ex: My car ran out of gas. FML. Or something like I failed my math class. FML. You know what, I wish there was some kind of magical button that I could push that when someone says FML over something so stupid that they suddenly feel the pain of someone some where else. Maybe a mom who is having to hold her still born baby and is going to say goodbye, before she even got to say hello. NO matter what you're going through, there is someone going through worse. I'm not saying it's not OK to be upset with what's going on in your life. But FML... I just hate that statement. I have been extremely blessed. I have not only a beautiful, smart, amazingly funny daughter. I also am blessed with an amazing, strong, healthy baby boy. Those 2 are my heart. My whole heart. With them everything is better. With out them, nothing would matter. I am also blessed with an amazing job. A job that I can wake up in the morning and say (without sarcasm) I'm looking forward to go to work today!!! I have a awesome boss. Who without a doubt is a person God deliberately put in my life to help me with my voyage as a single mom. She is not only my boss, but she's my friend. She's played therapist. Adoption counselor. Relationship advice giver. She's my "Dear Abby" that I have just right down the hall. Then there's my co-workers. I've been there 2 1/2 years, and as a teacher I made so many friends. With the other teachers and with the parents there. Now that I am in administration I feel like I have more friends. With my co-workers in the front office I feel like I have people I can talk to, confide in, ask advice from and more. There is nothing in my life that makes me feel like I should say FML. Maybe FMC (my car) or FMZ (my zits) and even once a month FMP (my period) LOL! My never EVER EVER F my life. I love my life and everyone in it. I love my job. My kids, my family. Everything! This Sunday is going to begin a new chapter in my life and I am so excited! I am going to begin taking my children to Crossroads Fellowship. I quit my job as a nursery worker at Asbury so I can take my kids somewhere with a stronger children's program. While I love all the people at Asbury, I also want to work on my relationship with Christ. I wanna be a better Christian so I can teach my kids how to be better Christians as well. I hope that Brooke enjoys the program there, I know that I will. Then as Bryson grows he'll get to learn about the love of God and how he sent his son to save us. Brooke and Bryson are truly my greatest blessings in life and I want them to understand who gives us our blessings. :) Well this blog kinda jumped around a bit! LOL I hope you realize that FML is just the wrong acronym to use when tomorrow is going to be a better day. <3 Life may not be easy as a single mom, but I'm having a blast!

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