Wednesday, November 23, 2011

In everything give Thanks....

Given everything going on in my life, sometimes it's easy to feel like there is nothing to be thankful for. However, that's not true. Not at all. There is so much in my life to be thankful for every single day. From the little bitty things to the big obvious things. I've tried to post something every day this month. Its been a rough day today. I didn't feel good, and then on my way there was a song on from Tony's service.... and I almost had to pull over from the tears. So I'm going to go back through the month and list all 23 things I've been thankful for this month. You don't have to read it lol. This post is more like a pick me upper.... because I'm feeling really down tonight. :(
First week I was thankful for the little silly things kids say that make you smile, thankful my wreck wasn't worse than it was, for Jessie my amazing boyfriend, my kids, my job, and my mom. Some big things, and some little things. But all amazing things that God has blessed me with. And I will continue to thank and give him praise daily.
Second week I mentioned my thankfulness for my brothers, the people who have supported me through Tony's death. As well as my church, my aunts and uncles, and green bean casserole!!! Finally, that second week I was thankful for Dad. Who has turned into some kinda amazing over the past few years. :)
Third week was rough to be grateful. I had a suicide survivor conference, a counseling session and my birthday. On the 15th, the first day of that 3rd week...... On my birthday I was thankful for my best friend Lesli. We have the same birthday and she's one of the best things to ever come into my life! The next few days I was thankful for cousin and my amazing step mom/best friend. That weekend I was thankful for a guy I met at the conference who wanted to know my story... Tony's story. And for my aunts and uncles who love to love me and my kids!! Monday was kinda silly, I was thankful for Dr.Pepper and baby wipes!!! Couldn't live with out them. My big thankfulness this week was for my childrens' fathers. David and Adrian might not be the dads I want them to be but they are the reason I have my children. So i have to be thankful for that small fact! I was also thankful for the night Bryson slept through the night!!! Finally yesterdays thankful post was for kid free breakfasts with Lesli. You have no idea how awesome those are. They remove so much stress and help me get through the day. Today I am thankful for some kids that have come into my life who will always have a place in my heart. Some are kids from the daycare, some are kids of my friends. But all of them are blessings in my life!!
Well, that actually helped a little! These are just a tiny tiny part of the things in my life that I should be thankful for. I am so blessed and I can't help but stop and thank God each and every time I realize something that he has given me. I hope that this Thanksgiving you hug your loved ones. Kiss your babies. Spend time with those who are near and dear to your heart. Please make sure they know how you feel about them. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed. And although, Tony chose his time and his death was by suicide. We still didn't give him the love and time he so desperately sought. He looked for comfort in the wrong things, and in the end that's what killed him. I miss my brother every day. And I miss him a little more each day. However I know that each day that passes brings me one day closer to spending eternity with my, our Savior. Spending eternity with my grandpa, great grandma, great grandpa and especially my brother.

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