Wednesday, August 10, 2011

If only that was my hardest decision

As most of you know, I work in a daycare, at Aladdin's Castle, which was recently voted Best in The Basin for the 11th year!!!! :) Anyway, at the end of each day we have a basket full of dum-dums. A few of the kids will just grab and go, without even looking at the color that they got. Then there's a few of the kids who don't even want one, they just pass by the basket without giving a second glance. Of course there are a few each day who make it to the no sucker list for bad behavior. It's always sad to see those little hearts break. Then there's my few favorite kiddos, who I just LOVE LOVE LOVE to watch at the sucker basket. There's my little Red Raider fan who always wants a different color, sometimes brown sometimes yellow, but you better believe what ever color is on his mind..... he won't leave until he finds it. Then there's a few of the blue lovers. Blue is 100% the fan favorite. We run out of those faster than any other color. Then sometimes when we do run out, we have kids who will just skip a sucker all together. It's blue or its nothing!! We can't forget my sweet redheaded princess, I don't think she cares what color she gets, but if I pick it out, I always get her a pink one, because of course, princesses love pink!! So I'm sure you all are wondering why I've rambled on for a full page about what color suckers the kiddos pick. Well my point is, this is, for some of the kids, the most difficult decision they make all day!! They put a lot of stock into what color is chosen. And they get very upset if the desired color is not there. There's a lot to think about there. As adults, we make quick, rash, bad, and good decisions all day long. From the very moment we wake up... to hit snooze or not to hit snooze. Then onto, what are we going to wear today?? Usually accompanied with what will the child(ren) wear. On the way out the door the choice has to be made about seat belt, are you the type who always 100% wears yours?? ( BTW I am) While driving, speed up? Slow down? Pass the guy going 15 under the limit? Switch lanes? Every single choice you make while driving can affect if you get there safely or not. Then depending on your job there are hundreds of thousands of choices to make all day long. Last but not least, as you end your day what time will you go to bed? Will you shower now and savor that extra time to sleep in? Anyway, my point is we all take for granted how simple our lives used to be, how simple our decisions were at one point. So slow down and take your time. Make sure the choice you make is going to be one that will be the right one. As for me, my choice right now is to go to bed, because there will be no snooze button for me in the morning. Good night everyone and just because it's isn't always easy, doesn't mean it isn't fun!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Just try to never grow up.....

Wow.... If you know me, then you know Taylor Swift's music has an amazing impact on my life. I recently bought tickets to take my daughter to see her in Lubbock on October 14th. I can't wait I am so very excited!! To prepare for our mommy daughter trip I bought Taylor's new CD "Speak Now" Driving home I put it on and going through the songs we got to one called "Grow Up" I had to change it until we got home because it was making me cry. The very first lyrics are " Your little hand's wrapped round my finger, and it's so quiet in the world tonight.....You're little eyelids flutter cause you're dreaming, so I tuck you in and turn on your favorite night light." Any mom knows that feeling. Holding your sleeping newborn their tiny little fingers wrapped around yours and their eyeslids flutter, they smile and it just instantly melts your heart. This ususally happens in the hospital the first night they're born and you can't put them down because you are so ridiculously amazed and in love with this tiny little person. Another line that really gets to me is "Oh darling don't you ever grow up, just stay this little, oh darling don't you ever grow up it could stay this simple." Last week I registered my princess for Kindergarten. It was honestly one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do. I know it has to happen, and I know it's "not that big of a deal" But to me it is... school elementary and middle was not easy for me. I hated it most of the time, I didn't want to go. I was bullied, teased, made fun of, ridiculed, harrassed. I wasn't one of the "popular" kids and it was so hard to be on the end of their jokes. Without my few friends though the years I honestly don't know if I would've made it. Without Denise, Angie, and Angela at each school I went to I really don't know what I would've done. So for me school is a scary thing to put my daughter in. They handed me a sticker at the end of registration for Brookie, it said "I'm an Official Kindergardener" I took one look at that sticker and I cried. It seems like just yesterday I held her for the first time, laid her on the bed, unwrapped her made sure she had 10 little fingers and 10 little toes. She was absoultely perfect. 6lbs 10oz of pure joy. I'm not gonna lie there are some days, I wanna strangle her or myself, but those days are few and far between. For the most part she is a very well behaved smart little girl. I love her more each day and I love watching her be an amazing big sister to Bryson. She tells me all the time," Momma how'd we get such a cute little baby, we're lucky huh?" I can't help but smile and reply with "yeah baby we are lucky, you can't imagine how lucky mommy is." I pray to God every day to thank him for my many blessings. Including a job that I love, a safe apartment for my family, 2 beautiful healthy loving goes on and on!! Back to the song...there's a line that says, "Don't loose the way that you danced around in your PJ's getting ready for school" I can not wait to have those moment with my daughter. I'm saddened by how fast she has grown into a beautiful little girl. But I am excited to watch her grow into a amazing young lady, sassy teenager, and ultimatly a remarkable woman raising her own family. For now I'll just listen to this Taylor Swift song, and cry tears that are a mix of saddness, happiness, fear, and excitement. So to my Brooke and my Bryson.... Oh Darlings, don't you ever grow up don't you ever grow up just stay this little, oh darlings don't you ever grow up don't you ever grow up it can stay this simple....

My life as a single mommy never fails to amaze me.... It's not always easy but my Lord.... it's so much fun!