Thursday, April 28, 2011

Oh life.... you continue to amaze me!

There are only 2 more days left in April. And in May my daughter will be 5 and my son will be 1. This fact, no matter how many times I go over it in my still amazes me. Every day my heart grows more and more for these little ones. My daughter and her whitty words and big girl attitude. Sometimes it makes me crazy but it's ok because it's all a part of growing up. Then Bryson, oh my lovely sweet handsome little big boy! He's so little in the fact that he's only 11 months old and just a baby. Yet big in the fact that he's 25lbs, wearing 24mo clothes, off the bottle and walking!! Now he's slowling working his way onto real milk. I bought my LAST can of formula this weekend. It was an amazing feeling. It is so good to be so blessed. My daughter cracks me up with the things she says, she told me today, "How come we never visit Grandma?" my response was "Because Grandma Karen lives far far" and she said "No! Grandma Rhonda... I NEVER GET TO SEE HER..." I reminded her that she was just with her this weekend. When she said " Well yea, but I didn't really get to see her because we were eating." LOL She's such a funny girl! Bryson is starting to get such a personality too his teacher and I were talking about the fact that he hasn't been wanting to drink his cup and the whole time while she's talking to me and holding him he is doing this very fake very sarcastic sounding laugh! Almost as if he was making fun of us! It was too funny! Not every day is a good day, and not every night is an easy night. But I love my children more than I could ever imagine loving someone. They make my life worth living, and they make my world a better place with their smiles and laughter! There are somedays I just feel like I can't make it! But I know that each day is a new day and every day is worth it!! I love you Brooke Michelle and I love you Bryson Kole!! Without you two my world would be dull and worthless. You are the reason I wake up, the reason I sleep, and don't sleep sometimes LOL! Thank you God for allowing me to be the mommy to these 2 beautiful babies!! It's not always easy, but it sure is fun!!

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