Wednesday, January 14, 2015


If you've known me more than 12 minutes then you know..... My brother died from suicide..... Do you know why? Have you heard that story? Well, to shorten it he was bullied. Mercilessly, by a woman who he loved. By a girl, with so much hatred in her soul, that she sometimes says she is glad for the pain she caused my brother. 

Please don't get me wrong, she IS NOT the reason he took his life. There are so many more issues we can discuss. It's so much more complex than that. However, cyber bullying was the straw that broke the camel's back. The cyber bullying was what was the final push. This type of death is often referred to a bullycide. Fast forward to today.... I come across a movie trailer, looks interesting. It's called "unfriended". Well, a few seconds into it I'm intrigued. It talks about how all our memories are saved online forever, then it goes on to say so are our mistakes.......  Ok, you've got me, I'm interested. Then it shows a video of a girl drunk and just being the stupid person we've all been. Fast forward 5-10 seconds.... It shows her, yes SHOWS HER, shoot herself in the head. So I'm thinking, ok so it's a bullycide awareness type film, right? Well that's good we need awareness..... The video continues.... The kids are all on Skype chat... And a "glitch" pops up and well, basically it's the anniversary of her death and she's back to seek revenge? Vengeance? Just pissed??? I'm not sure, but it literally made me sick to my stomach. It brought me to tears and PISSED ME THE EFF OFF!!!!! How is it our society has become so freaking numb to the pain of others that bullying/suicide/bullycide has now become something we can mock?!?! Don't you dare tell me they aren't mocking it either. They used a tragic AND TRUE story to create a fictional horror film!!!! Did Lauren exist? Was a video uploaded of her crazy night?? Probably not. However, Tony exists. Well, he did. A fake profile went and commented ON EVERY SINGLE PICTURE OF HIS FACEBOOK very awful and untrue things about his character and background. Amanda Todd existed. Amanda's video was real. Amanda's death was real. I am disgustingly infuriated by this mockery of a subject, no of a DISEASE that is taking the country, and the world in an epidemic of tragedy!! Please join me in fighting this, we need to make #BoycottUnfriended a trending hashtag. We need to let Hollywood know, THIS IS NOT OKAY!!!     


  1. I honesty think u need to calm down. Its for entertainment, if everything was to be taken literal then we would have kids jumping in water with a fish bowl on their head trying to be sandy!! (SpongeBob squarepants character) I mean seriously, if everything was to be taken to heart then we would have a purge cause of the movie and everybody would be dead cause everybody has flaws. Yes, it sucks that u had to suffer through ur loss but u need to grow from it and learn to accept life. But thanks for the movie suggestion!! I am looking forward to watching all of this movie and learning the true story behind it(:

  2. That's the problem. It is real. There are true stories like this out there. Just like my brother's.

    Every 40 seconds, someone around the world takes their life, statistically 22 a day of those are US Veterans. Suicide is a very real problem. I can't believe the world has become to callous that it's now something that can be mocked and made into entertainment. The fact that someone's suicide, even if it's a fictional character. You're right, I do suffer from my loss. Every single day. I don't have my baby brother. My children don't have their uncle. My mom doesn't have her son, and most painful of all? My nephew will never ever meet his dad. I have grown from my loss. I'm the chairman for the local prevention walk. I partner with the schools and other organizations to help prevent. Through the community with the walk I have helped organize 3 walks that combined have raised over $15,000 for suicide prevention.

  3. I am where I am because of God. I do know God, as do my children. I would love for my nephew to, unfortunately I have no control over what is taught to him.

  4. But he is obviously a part of ur life so u can be a leader to him and help him find his way to God.
    I just believe that yes, if u don't have the right mind set that u will see that movie as u do. But normal society sees at is "dang, look what those post pushed that girl to do! That's wrong" but no normal teenager is going to sit through a documentary on suicide prevention cause they see it as "boring" and "lame". Maybe the director thought of this and put it into ways that kids will understand it. Cause face don't like boring things. Kids like action and real entertainment. So putting it into the way of a scary movie (which is 90% of kids favorite genre) the message is put out to say, "hey, look what bullying did to this girl! Look what it pushed her to feel! " but draws their attention to watch it because it has horror. It still gets the message across of what bullying does to people, but in a way that will actually catch a teenagers attention. I personally will be going to watch it in a Christian mind set with my friends and mom to see what the message says in my mind set and im sure we will all learn something from it

  5. My friends also brought to my attention....have u even seen the movie yet? No, because it is not in theatres yet. In trailers they show the most interesting parts. Who is to say that it doesn't give ur message more then shown in the trailer? As said by many many people, dont judge a book by a cover. Or in this case, don't judge a movie just by its trailer. It shows u enough to make u want to watch it or not watch it. Many people do not want to listen to Christian music, so don't listen to it. If u don't want to see an opportunity to prevent suicide, then don't watch it.

  6. It's not an opportunity to prevent suicide. It's a horror movie. It's classified under the horror genre. Please don't comment on my person life if you don't know it. I am not a part of my nephews life. He lives in Maryland and I'm in Texas. If you haven't lost someone to suicide you have NO IDEA what you're talking about. It's even more insulting because it's bullycide. It's being mocked and made into glorifying and horrifying entertainment. I will not be seeing the movie. I will also continue others to take a stand against such violence and disgustingly horrible "fiction"

  7. Kids are not going to go see this and say "this girl died and got revenge as a ghost, I wanna try that!" and I do know cause I have lost somebody really close to me from suicide because his parents were the ones bullying him. You still have not seen the movie so u still dont not know any message put or not put into. If u watch movies u would know that 90% of these movies will include a commercial or at some point in beginning to end something about prevention for whatever tragedy happened. Many people have feelings not to see a movie because of its content. They completely disagree with what they are doing and say it is inhumane, but I have never seen it go past one rant post. Nobody is going to cancel or do anything to a movie that they spent millions of dollars to make just because it offends some people. Oh and btw, I am mature and I am trying to be respectful. Just as u posted, I am putting my thought towards ur opinion. Yes I am a teenager. I am being a mature person about this. I do not appreciate hearing about u calling me disrespectful towards other sources of media. I have not done any such thing to u except put in mine and others opinions to ur open blog that I have a freedom to put my two sense into.
