Tuesday, May 6, 2014


It comes in waves... I'll go days, weeks, sometimes even months without a single breakdown. Without too many tears. Then, I'll come across something. I'll read something, hear something or think of something. Then the tears start and sometimes they just can't stop. Right now happens to be one of those moments. I have seen a blog posted by a few friends. I've wanted to read it but I haven't had the courage. Today, I finally got the found the strength, I pulled up the blog and started to read. I didn't get past the first page without tears. It's titled "I'm an accomplice to my brother's suicide". Her younger brother took his life a few weeks before his 21st birthday. Sound familiar? Tony was 3 weeks and 3 days away from being 21. After reading her blog it's so comforting and yet so condemning? Is that the word? Every word she said was true. We were all accomplices.  We all helped by not knowing how to help. Some people by refusing to help. Like Erin I am using my pain to help others. Like Erin I have become involved in the AFSP. I opened up my laptop and I had  so much to say... Now that I'm typing... I've got nothing.. The best thing I can say is learn the signs, and watch for them. Most importantly... if you see the signs... Take action. Please don't bean accomplice by doing nothing. Stand up, speak out. Do Something.

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