Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Kids say the darnest things..

Wow... I love being a mom. My daughter amazes me more and more each day. Sometimes she says things and they make no sense. Other times she says thing using her 4 year old logic.. and I can totataly see why she thinks that!! So I decided today after the comment I got on the drive home today that I'd share a few with ya'll!

Well today on the way home today we, at random, started singing "Santa Claus is coming to town". After the first verse she replies..."Mommy, Santa watches everyone except God. Because God doesn't be bad because God's a grown-up" I couldn't help but crack up laughing. At which point she got mad at me because she assumed my laughing was saying she was wrong. LOL!!

There's been some other times when Brooke has said some pretty funny things about God. My personal favorite is when she told me that "God is always with me because God lives in my heart... actually God lives in all our hearts right mommy?"

Then there were the cell phone conversations. Brooke didn't want to go to bed one night and she said that God didn't think little girls should go to bed. So I told her I called him and he said that she did need to go to bed. At which point she said she wanted to call him so I call my dad and told him he needed to "play God" and tell Brooke she needed to go to bed, once we hung up she was out within minutes! The next day there was a big storm and she told me "Momma I need your phone so I can text God and tell him I don't want the rain anymore!"

Then there's my all time favorite. Brooke was playing with Bryson in the backseat of the car and she was making him laugh by sayin "tickle tickle tickle" and he was crackin up. Then she said "Momma, you know how I learned that? To make him laugh? I just knowed it because it was in my heart because God is in my heart and he told me to do it."

Anyway I could go on and on but I'd never be able to stop. I love my little Brookie so much! She says the funniest things and its just so amazing. For those of you who have kids, you know, but if you don't just take it from me.... it's not always easy, but it's fun!!

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