Well seems like its the thing to do and it also seems like it's a good way to let it all out. So here I am starting a blog. I guess I'll really use it as a way to keep track of my thoughts and my life. And if ya'll feel the need to comment or give advice, it's more than welcome anytime!! I figured I'd start by going back into the past about a week. Starting on October 25, a month before Thanksgiving I decided I was going to make a daily Facebook post about the thing I was thankful for for that day. I've noticed it's hard to count the bad things in your life when you realize how many blessings there are, no mater the size.
Well with Facebook you only have a limited amount of space to explain. So let's go back to the first post from October 25th. That day I said I was thankful for my brothers because it was my brother Tony's birthday. I am so blessed to have 3 younger brothers. The oldest is now 20 years old. He's attending college at EPCC and I'm so exicted to see where he will take his life. The only problem is he needs to get his head on straight and get out of the bad habits he has!! The second is Keeghan he's now 11 years old and I can remember the day my dad called to tell me he was born like it was yesterday!! It was August 19th and my dad called and explained there were a few complications but after an emergency C-Section mom and baby were doing great. I got on my bike rode around the neighborhood and screamed to the world that I had a new brother! Man it was exciting! The third brother is Khaiden and he is 5 years old. He's our little miracle baby. He was born with a massive tumor in his tummy and after major surgery at just 4 days old we found out it was benine and nothing to worry about. He came home from Lubbock at 2 weeks old and he's been a little tornado ever since!

On October 26th I said I was thankful for my best friend Lesli. She is an amazing person inside and out. We both have a daughter and a son. Our daughters are 4 years old and 4 days apart. They both will be in the same grade together. Her son Kash has a late birthday in September so he'll be in the same grade with Bryson. She takes Brooke to school each morning and picks her up from the bus each day. I really don't know where I'd be without her.
On October 27th I said I was thankful for the fact the Adrian has decided to help out with Bryson. He ran away for 8 out of the 9 months I was pregnant. And I didn't hear from him until Bryson was 2 months old. But now he'll bring me diapers when I need them and started paying some of the daycare. Hopefully one day he'll be a full time fixture in Bryson's life and be a help with both time and money. :)
On October 28th I said I was thankful for my Aunt and Uncle. They are such an amazing part of Brooke's life and they love her so much. It's almost like she has an extra set of grandparents. She loves going out there and they love having her.
On October 29th I said I was thankful for the old days. Meaning High School. Those 3 years made me who I am today. I had so much fun every single day and I met some of the most amazing people!!
October 30th was self explanatory.. I'm thankful for toothpaste and toothbrushes because I love my teeth!!
October 31st I was thankful for the guy on at Gator at Crossroads church who helped me find my car because i couldn't remember where I parked! LOL!!
Today I am thankful for my job. I love working at Aladdin's Castle. I love the parents I meet, the kids I care for and my co-workers!! It may not be much but it's amazing and I love going to work each and every day! And even on days when I'm not looking forward to going to work once I get there I snuggle with my babies and it makes it all worth it. Parents trust me with their most precious thing every day and I thank you for that!! I don't leave my son or daughter with just anyone and the fact that they know their child is safe when they leave them at Aladdin's Castle makes me feel proud. You can't work at Aladdin's and not smile. Those kids are amazing and its a miracle watching them grow. Sometimes I feel like I have 2 kids and 100 neices and nephews. I love those children and toddlers and babies so much!!
Well that was a pretty long post for my first time! But those of you who know me know I can talk a lot! LOL It's time to sign off here and get ready for bed before Bryson changes his mind! And remember when it comes to being a mom.....it's not always easy but it's fun!!