Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What is normal??

Normal... What is normal?? In September I was a single mom with 2 kids, by 2 different dads and had never lost a single person that was close to me to death. Is that normal? Late September I became a single mom, with a boyfriend. Was that normal? Then in October my world was shattered. Completely turned upside and completly shocked me to the depths of my soul. I lost my baby brother to suicide. I became a survivor to a suicide victim. Is that normal?? I've been blessed with an amazing support group. From the littlest one (Bryson) to the tallest (Jessie) and every one in between. I have had unwaivering amazing support. Unfortunatly my mom lives thousands of miles away and in a place where she's only been a few years. She doesn't have any life long friends there. She doesn't have any family there. However she does have my nephew Leo. She also has his mom. Sadly there are some people around her who don't quite understand the pain of losing a child. On top of that losing a child who chose to take his own life for reasons known and unknown alike. She feels like several people around her expect her to be normal again, after all it's been 8 months..almost. Right? Wrong... That seriously pisses me off that people are treating her (and sometimes me) like we should just pick up the pieces of our broken heart, use some duct tape and everything goes back to "normal". Well I have news for all of you. WE ARE GRIEVING. Not only did the world lose a beautiful soul, an amazingly handsome man, an incredibly smart brain, an extravagant imagination and so much more. My mother lost her son. I lost my brother. My children lost their uncle. And although he wasn't born yet... Leo lost his father. So for those of you who have little to no compassion for a grieving mother, sister, and my brother's friends and family. This is our new normal. Breaking down in tears while driving down the road because you see a little red car is normal. Holding back from crying just because of a song on the radio is normal. Having to fake a smile and an acceptable answer when people ask how you're doing is normal. So all I'm asking is for a little acceptance and paitence when it comes to the tears, and the grief. When it's a little harder to find joy in things that once warmed your heart. So although I haven't had the problems that my mom has had with people accepting the new normal. I am praying, and ask for you to do the same to open the eyes and hearts of the people that surround my mother. Also please pray for peace and healing over her heart.