Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Who'd of thunk it??

This blog is more for people who used to know me when I lived in El Paso. When I was anti-cheer leader. Anti-School spirit. Anti anything happy. I was bullied by the rich kids and looked down on by others. I'm not going to go into that too much but just to say that thank God I made it out of there without being broken. Now don't get me wrong... this wasn't my mom's fault or anyone else's so please don't feel guilty (unless you were the one singing that hurtful song).  Anyway, onto bigger and better things....

It's crazy to think that I was and still am one of the most school spirited people I know!! I love OHS and the bronchos and I can't wait to see Brooke be a cheerleader there or showgirl and to see Bubba wear that red jersey!! How ironic that I am the mother to a cheerleader... those of you who know me in El Paso.. no one would've ever thought that would happen!! I just signed her up for a summer cheer program through the Permian Basin Youth Football League and then she's signed up and paid for 1st grade mini peps through the OBGC. I was just sitting here thinking how much my life has changed! If you would've told me at 15 that at 25 year old you'll have blonde highlights, work out almost daily, go tanning, have 2 kids, one of which is a cheerleader. I know it's sounds weird but I would've done anything to avoid having my life "end up like that". But I can't imagine my life any other way!! Every day I wake up excited about another day in my life. Excited about going to work. Loving my babies. Praising and worshiping my God. Jessie and I are good friends and having him as a part of my life honestly does help more than I can imagine. I know some of you are gonna think I'm crazy but I do love him and I do still have hope that maybe eventually we'll be an official couple again. (When we're both ready) In the mean time I'll just love my life with my kids, my job, my church, my family, my friends and my.. whatever you wanna call him ha ha ha, my "friend" Jessie. Anyway... a lot of my blogs have been sad and about Tony but I figured I needed to post a happy one. Don't get me wrong I miss my brother daily and I cry often still. But I have to push forward and live my life the way I was before. I was completely 100% happy before and I know I can get there again. I believe I can be happy and still love and miss my Tony. He is my baby brother and I helped raise him for the first 11 years of his life. He was my first love, I remember thinking how lucky I was every time I held that baby boy. Every time we snuggled up in mom's bed or even when we fought. I thought... with that kind of passion that boy is gonna do something big. Unfortunatly he didn't see that potential and now his spirit lives on through Leo.

Hope everyone has an amazing Wednesday! Sorry for the super scattered post!